Брейн-ринг "День Святого Валентина"
Брейн-ринг «День Святого Валентина»
Brainstorm «St. Valentine’s Day»
Цель: сформировать умение грамотно высказываться по теме «День Святого Валентина».
1. Образовательная- активизация лексики по данной теме и обогащение словарного запаса учащихся.
2. Развивающая- развитие интереса к изучению традиций страны изучаемого языка, развитие способностей к продуктивной речевой деятельности.
3.Воспитательная- воспитание культуры поведения при общении с людьми, формирование желания делать приятное самым близким людям(поздравлять с праздниками).
Ход мероприятия:
Good afternoon, children! Nice to see you there. Today we have 2 teams. Please, according to the pictures, guess the topic of our game. And now choose the captain in each team.
Let’s start. Your first task is to introduce yourself- describe yourself in 1 sentence. Do it one by one.
The second task-answer the questions- if you are ready to answer-rise up signal card.
1. What can you say about the role of love in people’s life?
2. What symbol is for Valentine’s Day?
3. Who was Valentine?
4. Who was the goddess of love in Ancient Greece?
The third task- each team has 2 texts about this holiday, your task is to match the given words to the sentences. And then give them back to me.
The forth task is unscramble the sentences. I will give you alphabet, it will help you. Each numeral match to the letter in the alphabet.
The fifth task- captain’s task. Your task is to show the given words with the help of the actions, without words, you should use signal card, if you know the answer.
The sixth task is to guess the riddles and write down the answers in the puzzle.
The seventh task is the quiz show. I’ll give you cards , you should choose the correct variant. And then retell the parts of the stories.
The eighth task is do the crossword.
We will count your score, and then decide who is the winner of this game.
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